Online application
Available from 20th October 2023 till 03rd November 2023.
The application deadline has been extended till 08th November 2023.
After the application is submitted, 30 applicants will be shortlisted for registration and details for the payment of fees will be communicated. Selection will be on first come first basis plus relevance to applicant's area of study.
Participant Numbers
Maximum number of participants (with access to software) is 30.
Participants must carry their own laptops which will be required for hands on training on crystallography software. Mac laptop (macOS) users should have Windows emulator installed.
Workshop Notes
Refreshments and lunch will be provided on both the days.
Outstation participants will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation and travel.
Participants must strictly adhere to the workshop timings.
Attendance for all sessions is mandatory to receive the certificate of participation.