Page 22 - PULSE- JULY -2020
P. 22

Jeevan Chacko joined RGCB in 1997 and                example of work ethics from him. His contributions
          since then  has managed the most important           to our overall  purchase affairs, strategy and
          department of Purchase and Stores. Mr. Chacko        the  daily operation of  the department and his
          was not only a valuable  asset  to RGCB  but an      guidance will be sorely missed. We hope that the
          enjoyable  presence  in  the  office,  as  well.  The   remaining  employees  here  will  strive  to follow
          director shares that one of his fondest memories     his stellar example. We wish him the best in his
          is when he joined RGCB in 2005, in the initial days   future endeavors. It has always been our pleasure
          there was a huge amount of loneliness since he       to work with Mr. Jeevan Chacko. So, while we are
          knew nobody in the institute and by the end of the   saddened  to  see  him  go,  we  are  confident  that
          day the scene was depressing.  It was Mr. Chacko     he will find the same success and happiness in
          who used to call him to have an evening dinner at    retirement  that he experienced  during his  time
          a local hotel where then he got a chance to meet     at RGCB. Mr. Jeevan Chacko plans emigrating to
          many of the  other colleagues.   During the  early   Canada soon with his wife Kochurani and be with
          years of Mr. Chacko’s tenure, when the RGCB was      their elder daughter Alphina Rose.  His younger
          in formative years, his contribution to development   daughter Zerina Ann  lives in Bangalore.
          for purchase procedures have helped the institute
          to rise to where it is today. This is so well reflected
          that  despite  making several crores  of Rupees
          worth  of purchases  in  the  last  24  years RGCB
          does not have any enquiry or adverse comments.
          His organizational skills have set a lot of systems
          straight that contributed a lot to the efficiency of
          the work place.

          The  junior employees  have seen  an excellent
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