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mitochondrial  m  cherry.  This stable producer      2.  Jackson  James:   Development of a low
          cells  once transfected with pcDNA3 S protein        cost Anosmia screening tool  to mass screen
          generates, fluorescent peudovirons to infect ACE2    asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers; DST-SERB.
          expressing cells.   The system has been validated
          with VSVG and ready for testing using S protein.     3.  R. Radhakrishnan:  Development  of a  point
                                                               of care Lateral  Flow Diagnostic  Platform for
                 HEK cells  were  transfected  with  the       detection of viral antigens and antibodies IgG &
          following   expression   vectors   to   produce      IgM of Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2 enabling efficient
          recombinant  proteins for  direct  diagnostics  use   and swift diagnosis and mass screening”; BIRAC -
          and also for antibody production                     NATIONAL BIOPHARMA MISSION.

          1.     pCEP4-myc-ACE2                                GRANTS UNDER REVIEW:
          2.     pcDNA3.1-SARS2-Spike
          3.     pcDNA3-SARS-CoV-2-S-RBD-sfGFP                 Ranjith S Kumar, Ajith RR, Manoj P, E. Sreekumar;
                                                               Design  and Development of a Highly  Sensitive
                 For  generating  FRET  based  assay  for S    Rapid  RT-LAMP  Droplet  Microfluidic  Platform  for
          protein – ACE2 binding inhibitor screening, both     SARS-CoV-2 Detection (Collaborative Project with
          the  donor  and  acceptor  fluorescent  vectors  of   College of Engineering, Trivandrum); DBT-BIRAC
          S protein and ACE2 were designed  and created
          using Cerulean and Venus as fluorescent partners.    E. Sreekumar; Umasankar PK; Hrishikesh Damle.
                                                               Screening  phytochemical libraries to  identify
          Studies initiated  on establishing  target cell      host-directed antivirals (HDA) against SARS CoV-
          based assays for inhibitors of viral proteases for   2 targeting IFITM family Interferon-stimulated
          development  of new therapeutics  against  SARS      gene (ISGs)  using innovative assays;  DBT-BIRAC
          Cov2                                                 (Collaboration  with  Atrimed  Pharma Pvt Ltd;
                 Studies initiated on status of alpha helical
          membrane pores during SARS Cov 2 infection           K.R  Mahendran.  Indo-German joint  project
                                                               proposal (DBT-DFG) in collaboration with Jacobs
                 S2 fusion peptides that  facilitate  viral    University Bremen, Germany Title: Decoding viral
          membrane  fusion  synthesized,  purified,  and       membrane fusion and inhibition  using novel
          biophysical studies being carried out. Liposome-     electro-optical assays.
          based  membrane  fusion assays have  been
          optimized                                            Covid 19 Diagnostic Facility

                 Molecular modeling of S protein membrane             A real role model for the country: RGCB’s
          binding  and  pore  formation. Examined  different   Laboratory Medicine  &  Molecular Diagnostics
          intermediates  and  conformational  states during    Facility functions 18-hour shifts on all 7 days.
          pore assembly
                                                                      Over 43,000 nasal swabs analyzed to date
          Research Grants                                      by RT PCR for Covid 19 diagnostics

          FUNDED GRANTS:                                              Co-developed Covid 19 Diagnostics Suite

          1.  E. Sreekumar,  T.R.Santhosh  Kumar, P.K.         Clinical Studies
          Umasankar, Shijulal Nelson Sathi, Ravi Shankar L;
          New Therapeutics against SARS Cov2: Analyzing               Epidemiological studies  to improve the
          small molecule chemical libraries by establishing    strategies  in surveillance  and containment of
          targeted  cell-based  assays for inhibitors of viral   Covid-19
          entry and viral protease; DBT- BIRAC
                                                                      Use  of SARS Cov-2  Antibody  rapid
                                                               test  for detection  of IgG in  a  subset  of patient
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