Programme Schedule

Event Schedule

  • Day 1

    Day 1 - Thursday 20th February

  • Day 2

    Friday 21st February

  • Day 3

    Saturday 22nd February

9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Pre-conference Workshop on Mass Spectrometry based Lipidomics with Demonstration of sample preparations, instrumentation, method development, data acquisition and analysis (9:30 am – 4:30 pm)

Registration: 9.00 am onwards


Programme & Speaker

Designation & Affiliation

Title of the talk

09:30 am - 10:00 am

Inauguration Programme

10:00 am - 10:45 am

Dr. Shantanu Sengupta

(Key note speaker)

Chief Scientist, Cardiovascular Disease Biology, IGIB

Exploring Cardiovascular Disease in India Through a Multi-Omics Approach

10:45 am - 11:00 am

Tea Break

11:00 am - 11:25 am

Prof. Debabrata Sircar


Department of Biotechnology,

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

The use of SPME-GC-MS-based volatilomics for the non-invasive detection of plant diseases at early pre-symptomatic stage

11:25 am - 11:50 am

Prof. Vibin Ramakrishnan


Biosciences & Bioengineering,

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Mechanistic investigations on the efficacy and mode of action of multimolecular concoctions using a hybrid Proteomics- Cheminformatics-Network medicine approach

11:50 am - 12:15 pm

Dr. Harikumar K.B.

Scientist EII,

Cancer Research,

BRIC-RGCB, Trivandrum

Sensitizing of immune unresponsive colorectal cancers to checkpoint inhibitors through modulation of Sphingolipid pathways.

12:15 pm - 12.40 pm

Prof. Y. Sreelakshmi


School of Life Sciences,

University of Hyderabad

Introgression of a dominant phototropin1 mutant enhances carotenoids and boosts flavor-related volatiles in genome-edited tomato RIN mutants

12.45 pm – 01.45 pm

Lunch Break

01:45 pm - 02:10 pm

Dr. Padmakar Wagh

Associate Director, Waters Corporation

Recent Advancements in LCMS for Lipidomic Discovery.

02: 10 pm – 02: 35 pm

Dr. Arpita Mukhopadhyay

Associate Professor,

St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore

Adipose tissue metabolic signatures of Type 2 diabetes mellitus

02:35 pm – 03:00 pm

Dr. Ratnasekhar CH

Senior Scientist & Assistant Professor (AcSIR),


Metabolic basis of biological clock and altered metabolic pathways revealed by mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics based approaches

03:00 pm -03:25 pm

Dr. Debasree Dutta

Scientist EII

Regenerative Biology

BRIC-RGCB, Trivandrum

Differential proteomics in different states of pluripotency

03:30 pm

05:30 pm

Poster session & Tea Break

07:00 pm onwards



Programme & Speaker

Designation & Affiliation

Title of the talk

09:00 am - 09:25 am

Prof. Shyam Kumar Masakapalli


School of Biosciences & Bio Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

Mass isotopomers as efficient readouts to define the metabolic phenotypes of plant and microbial systems

09:25 am - 09:50 am

Prof. Ujjaini Dasgupta


Amity Institute of Integrative Sciences And Health, Haryana

Mass spectrometry based Lipidomics: the New Generation Omics in Health and


09:50 am - 10:15 am

Dr. Abdul Jaleel

Scientist G

Cardiovascular Diseases & Diabetes Biology

BRIC-RGCB, Trivandrum

Early Metabolic Predictors of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Normoglycemic Adults: Insights from a Six-Year Follow-Up Study

10:15 am - 10:40 am

Dr. Saravanan Kumar

Leader, Scientific Application,

Thermo Fisher Scientific India

Benefits of sequential and orthogonal fragmentation techniques coupled to Orbitrap MS in Omics studies - special emphasis on Lipidomics

10:40am – 11:.00 am

Tea Break

11:00 am – 11:25 am

Dr. Madhusoodanan U. K

Additional Professor,

SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram

Dysregulated Plasma Sphingolipids in Early-Onset Parkinson's Disease

11:25 am - 11:50 pm

Dr. Poonam Thakur

Assistant Professor, IISER Trivandrum

Influence of lipid alteration on Parkinson's disease progression

11:50 pm - 12:15 pm

Dr. Anish Kundu

Scientist C

Plant Biotechnology and Disease Biology

BRIC-RGCB, Trivandrum

Discovery of plant's molecular and pathway biomarkers and temporal metabolic model in response to pathogen through mass spectrometry

12:15 pm – 12:40

Dr. Rajeeve Sivadasan

DBT- Ramalingaswami Faculty Fellow

BRIC-RGCB, Trivandrum


12:40 pm – 01:45 pm

Lunch Break

02:00 pm – 02:30 pm

Best Abstracts Awards

(3 awards)

Oral presentations 10 minutes each

2:30 pm Onwards

Valedictory Programme & awards