Page 15 - PULSE- JULY -2020
P. 15
something that no one is sure of in the human device drivers are very variable according to the RENDEZVOUS WITH MY
brain. The brain drives signals, but that “our components. Every human being is different
brains may also have software like an overlay by the identity of a person, and also the internal ENGLISH TEACHER
over neurons” is a relatively newer concept. If system of different humans is similar but not the
some part of computer malfunctions, there can same. The number of neurons in different persons Dr. S Asha Nair
be various reasons from the motherboard to the is distinct from each other. The attachment points
connecting cables and maybe end components. and junctions are different too, but they still work The school bell chimed when Peter, the school from the next day and we heaved a sigh of relief
But if we think that the end component is the the same, which indicates that there must be housekeeper, struck the iron piece of an and sat down for the rest of the class hour with
reason for failure and repair for the same, the something that is the same over species. If we abandoned railway track designed to hang as a again Lakshmi teacher with the history book in
error will be resolved if only our assumption ask a computer to display a picture and it does, bell in the front courtyard. The shrill sound when hand looking emotively at all of us. We all sat with
was correct. In other cases, if the cables or we need not to bother about all underlying two metal surfaces are rubbed with energy and a sort of melancholy- the “No! Not again” feel,
motherboard are faulty, no matter how good we processes happening as the driver takes care of speed, quavered many of us from the slumber of waiting for the next episode of what happened to
repair or even change the component, the error that. Similarly, while we think of lifting our hand, a 60 minute Social Studies class, even with a few the Mughals.
won’t be resolved. There are very fair chances some neurons are firing up automatically that we of my class mates yanking out of their dreams as
that our assumptions may be correct, but not may not be necessarily aware of. if struck by a whip. It was our Social Studies class The next day dawned; all of us were in class
always. The approach is not as good if we start with Lakshmi teacher ferrying us to the Mughal waiting for the prey to land- Sr. Mercy. The bell
from the motherboard end. Prosthetics are in well Are they not the same?” I asked myself one day, era and the grandeurs they enjoyed. chimed announcing her arrival. We expected
use now, but they don’t always work as we expect. and despite no good evidence and reasons, I a cane, a wooden duster, mind that (so that the
Embedded computers have a predefined set of believe that we work similar to a computer system, Literally all this put every one of us into that vivid teacher never misses her joy on the scowl in
instructions. It can’t process every kind of new and yes, variabilities are there, but there must be era of royal making, with most of us dreaming our face when she is waking us from one of our
information they work the way they are defined, a common core. So mapping the common part and delving into a tingling slumber. If it were not dreams by throwing the duster) and a few chalks.
which is homologous to earlier processing organs is something we need to do to understand the for our school bell announcing the end of the To our inquisitiveness, she carried nothing,
of organisms. working of the brain. Then if we wish to design hour and advent of the next class, we all would except the text book and she made her entry with
prosthetics, we can work on individual variability have been snoring to glory! We all were in utter grace to finally stand near the black board. We
Every computer system is not the same. Even two and may also find some way to interact with the silence as we saw the TERROR of our school, THE all were gaping in anticipation of how would her
very similar ones from the same manufacturer core. This approach can help people with paralysis PRINCI- Sr. Mary, march through the corridor that voice sound and what terror would it carry; none
and same model are different from software and other neuron defects more than just putting MARCH afternoon. Sr. Mary was never merry; blinked, pin drop silence. Then, from nowhere a
perspectives in the account of a serial number, prosthetics to damaged organs. alas! She was tired of the brats making her life small frail voice leaped out…MY DEAR CHILDREN
configuration, and environment variables. Some a nightmare. Sr. Mary stood right in front of our and that was the ultimate. The back benchers
parts of the software are ubiquitous among class 8A, (the best class-academics and the worst nearly fainted on how they were addressed and
systems (mainly kernel) and may exist as a class -pranks on teachers) and behind her, we small babbles started to sprout out from all the
standard among different device categories saw a thin, lanky, meek person, obviously a nun, corners of the class 8th A. Lo and behold, she was
(Android Phone and Linux). The common part is peeking above Sr. Mary’s shoulder waiting to be an epitome of love, she looked at all of us with
responsible for the main working and stability of introduced to us. Poor thing dreaded Sr. Mary, we compassion, and briefed on how she would go
devices. Components can be of different types could tell by the looks on her face, and we all were about taking the classes and how important and
and may be attached to different approaches, but forging ideas on how to tackle her in case she essential was it in our academic life to learn the
the kernel treats them similarly. There is middle landed up as our teacher. God alone knew what language of communication without any flaw. She
software called device drivers, which allows the subject was. Behold; she will teach us English addressed all of us as her children, the emotional
the kernel to interact with various hardware; was the loud ringing statement put forth to us like few were in tears, and English became our dearest
a commandment by Sr. Mary, as we prayed “God, subject then on with the English classes our
have Mercy on her.” She would begin taming all only anticipated hour in school. ABU BEN ADAM
of us and enlightening us on ENGLISH literature and THE ANGEL was the first poem she lucidly