Page 12 - PULSE- JULY -2020
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the expression of stress response genes; which
          in turn improves immunity and alters metabolism.

          Pranayama also  controls  the  brain  centers
          (pre-frontal cortex, amydgala) associated with
          emotional control and organizes  the  release          Bijwe Manthan Shekhar
          of noradrenaline  (controlled  by the  locus           MSc. Student (3 Semester)
          coeruleus) in the brain. Noradrenaline release is
          increased during  stress and its decrease leads
          to sluggishness.  Locus  coeruleus  is  stimulated
          during   inhalations   and   decreases    during
          exhalations. Thus, pranayama can be an effective
          technique  to counter stress,  anxiety, depression
          and  insomnia  along  with  overall  improvement
          in  vitality!  There  are  several  yogic breathing
          techniques that can be used depending on one’s
          health status and  requirements. Some  of  them
          are mentioned below:

          1. Nadi Shodhana: alleviates wandering thoughts,
          anxiety, stress and improve focus.

          2. Ujjayi pranayama: calms sympathetic nervous
          system and boosts oxygen consumption

          3. Simhasana Pranayama: To release anger and

          4.  Kapalabhati  Pranayama: It  energizes  brain  to
          improve  focus  and  strengthens  muscles  of the
          diaphragm and abdomen. Being a warming and
          invigorating  exercise, needs to be done under

          Wish you all a happy breathing ahead!
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