Page 30 - PULSE- JULY -2020
P. 30

punctuated by tea times and a lunch break. The
                                                               smell of hot “parippu vadas” wafting through the
                                                               air as you climb the stairs leading to the cafeteria is
                                                               an olfactory core memory for sure. Washing down
                                                               these yummy vadas with steaming hot “Chaaya”,
                                                               while engaging in a fervent scientific conversation
                                                               with my colleagues, was certainly a favorite part
                                                               of the day for me. With scientists ensconced in
                                                               the many high chairs around the dining table, not
                                                               only was many a great scientific proposal born,
                                                               but  also  terrific  (and  sometimes  terrible)  jokes
                                                               shared. It was not uncommon to witness serious
                                                               scientific  conversations  happening  at  one  table
                                                               while hearing peals  of  laughter at an adjacent
                                                               one. What better way to foster creativity than to
                                                               mix science and humor?

          Ramkumar Hariharan, PhD                              For another, the  RGCB  library was  where  the
                                                               more geeky ones amongst us usually hung out.
                                                               One cannot but remember the warm, welcoming
          I turned 38  this  year. Publicly announcing your    smiles of the librarian and the helpful suggestions
          age  to  woo  an  audience, especially  when  you    of the  library  staff.  Maybe  it  was  the  books  or
          are middle  aged, is  a foolish thing  to attempt    maybe it  was the  friendly  library personnel,  but
          and seldom works. While not a ripe old age, can’t    spending time at the library was always a pleasant
          I be excused for beginning to get into the habit     and scientifically stimulating experience. For the
          of looking at each decade of my life to reflect on   uninitiated, assuming this is still true, the library
          the  most  exciting  and  fun-filled  memories?  My   is  literally  (and  figuratively!)  one  of  the  coolest
          thirties have been filling up with sweet memories    places on campus to escape the brutal summers.
          of our moving  to the  US and  of rising,  or more   It was March 2017. My family, even after five years
          precisely, trying to raise  a happy child. Looking   of living in Seattle, was still battling winter blues.
          back on my twenties, perhaps the strongest and       However, personally, despite the overbearing grey
          most exhilarating of all my memories are centered    skies and  the  seemingly endless  drizzle that is
          on RGCB. So, which are the core memories that        typical of Seattle, I was feeling quite excited. For
          stand out and, why?                                  good reason too, because I was in the final stage
                                                               interviews  for a  very  senior  position  at  one  of
          For one, remembrances around the excellent RGCB      the top cancer research institutions in the US. It
          cafeteria make up a disproportionate slice of the    was a demanding position, one where I would not
          memory pie. Cafe, tea, lunch...hmmm? I suspect       only be crunching big data to make predictions,
          this is in part attributable to a pleasant remnant   but interacting with cancer researchers, software
          of the British rule — any Keralite’s typical day is   engineers  and oncologists to  gather the  data
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