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environment to work and never shying away from       With RGCB expanding its wings and benchmarking
          the responsibilities.                                excellence  in  research   contributing  towards
                                                               the better human life, I am sure the institute will
          I still miss the birthday parties at midnight & batch   produce more and more budding scientists. I am
          mates  get  together at various restaurants.  I do   very proud to be an RGCB’ian.
          miss the Christmas friend games, funny tasks and
          gifts I used received; the  “Kaineetam” during Vishu,
          which I miss so much after leaving after RGCB.
          Like every RGCB alumini, I also always miss the
          10:30 cafeteria time served by “Thiagu.” Tea time
          with lab personnel and friends was always open
          for  all  scientific  and  non-scientific  discussions.
          Sure, we will get  more fruitful opinions  when
          people  are  calm and  relaxed. Kerala  cannot be
          separated  from  Onam festival. RGCB  Onam              Biography
          festival  is  fun  filled,  enjoyed,  and  involves  the
          active participation of both staff and students. I      S. Deivendran joined RGCB in 2011 as PhD
          have a pleasant memory of participating in couple       scholar at RGCB  in  the  Cancer Research
          of Onam events and games. Apart from science            Program. He is  currently  a Post  Doctoral
          I always was an active participant in organizing        Fellow working on detection of miRNA based
          committee in various conferences and seminars.          biomarkers for early stage pancreatic cancer
          I enjoyed the participation  in  travel  committees     in the laboratory of Professor Subrata Sen,
          along with Mr. Prakash. Staying in Trivandrum has       Deputy  Chair, Department  of  Translational
          given handful of memories to cherish from visiting      Molecular Pathology, The University of Texas
          various  beaches, restaurants, and temples. I           MD  Anderson  Cancer Center, Houston,
          would always prefer to tell  that  I  was a  part  of   Texas, USA.
          “RGCB family” rather than “RGCB institute.”
 S Deivendran, PhD  think independently and this was my inspiration
 to become an independent researcher. Professor   If I look back about the journey in RGCB, stay in
 Rakesh Kumar is a very dedicated scientist who   RGCB has always been pleasant, evergreen and
 I  am  Deivendran.  I  belong  to PhD  Admissions   talks  nothing other than  Science.  He taught   has given an enough confidence and experience
 Batch  2011and  now working as  a  postdoctoral   me the importance  of time  lines  and  delivering   to travel long ahead. Research as a career is not
 fellow at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston,   results in fixed time frames. The other mentor I   a job, its a way and part of your life! My stay in
 Texas, USA.   was fortunate to have was Dr. T.R Santhoshkumar,   RGCB has changed my vision towards life and it
 always very energetic and active even at the end   has made me to realize my strength as well as
 My  RGCB journey has been really very good.   of the  day.  He  was  very  supportive  and  helpful   weakness and to become a better human being.
 RGCB has played a major role in transforming me   in  giving constructive suggestions  during the   PhD in RGCB has changed a lot from  then  and
 to become an aspiring scientist. It is a pleasure   PhD days. Success in my life is always attributed   it has constantly increased the standards with
 in writing about the long path I travelled through   to RGCB  through these  mentors. My mentors   intense course work program, which is extremely
 RGCB.  After graduation every student  always   provided “hope & motivation” for doing research,   good. I realized that PhD days were the time to
 aims to be in the  best  possible  place for  PhD   which is quintessential for the student.  learn many things, try various crazy experiments
 program and  RGCB  never disappointed  me.   and implementing  it  with  bit  more of freedom.
 Professors  M. Radhakrishna  Pillai  and Rakesh   Research  has always been my  passion and   Since PhD is the training period there is no harm
 Kumar  were my  mentors.  Professor Pillai is  the   driven by enthusiasm. One of the most important   in asking silly questions.
 most supportive mentor that I ever had in my life.   reasons for the efficient functioning and success
 I am not sure at all if I will ever have any mentor   behind RGCB is the strong administration and core   Before  saying  good bye, I like  to conclude my
 like him in my life again. Though he was always   facility. I only realized how critical this is during   story with  couple of quotes  by Avvaiyar (Tamil
 busy he never failed to get my work updates and   subsequent  postdoctoral training.  Everyone in   poet) which is a mantra for the every researcher,
 always gave his valuable scientific inputs. Most   the RGCB administration and technical personnel   “Odhuvadhu Oliyael” and “Ookamadhu Kaividel”
 importantly  he  gave me complete freedom to   are  involved  in  success  of every  PhD  student   which  means  “Never  stop  learning”  and  “Never
 in  someway or  the  other providing a healthy   lose the enthusiasm or the hope.”
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