Page 36 - PULSE- JULY -2020
P. 36

This understanding brings far more relevance of       on patients’  samples. Regular discussion  on
         cancer  cell  survival strategies  into repurposing   research work and  for most  elegant  design  as
         it  for regeneration.  Although  our initial  journey   well as trouble-shooting of experiments is where I
         on research communications  has  been  slow,          come in. Students are nominated for participation
         our steady  acquisition  of major novel  insights,    in field related conferences and for exposure to
         when available  on public domain, will  hopefully     high-end mechanobiological toolboxes, which can
         transform the way we conceptualize, address and       very well bring the best out of a sincere student.
         formulate potential cures for chronic diseases.       Therefore, give yourself a chance to discover
                                                               whether you would like to work in a field at the
         My student - mentor connect                           threshold of uniqueness with potential to provide
                                                               out of the box solutions to our current therapeutic
         I  joined  RGCB  as  a  faculty and  DBT              management of chronic neuro-vascular diseases.
         Ramalingaswami Fellow in 2012. Currently, my lab      Don’t give up from going inter-disciplinary due to
         has three PhD students and one research fellow.       the fear of falling; there is no failure for one who
         We are funded by grants  from  DBT and ICMR.          sincerely starts a journey to uncover the truths.
         The lab has major force application tools such as
         various types of cell stretchers, shear, hydrostatic
         and  osmotic pressure  generating  systems  etc.
         Being in an interdisciplinary field, we collaborate
         with scientists from diverse expertise to perform
         experiments and solve problems.

         Upon transition from mentee to mentor, I learned
         maximally from  my  students.  The  students
         who joined  me surprisingly  had common  initial
         apprehensions on the interdisciplinary nature of
         research questions.  Also, amusingly, my initial
         high energy and enthusiasm was misconstrued as
         being pushy, which now of course the very same
         students  and  I  laugh  about.  Further,  creating  a
         space for young dynamic individuals where they
         can share their  ideas  and making them believe
         that anything is possible was a very slow process
         but an incredible one that comes with the package
         of being enthusiastic and work -oriented.

         My suggestion  to serious  enthusiast  is  that
         come  and have a chat with  me, lets  discover
         with our mutual discussion whether we are a fit
         as  a  research  team  or not.  Our research is  not
         trapped in formulas and equations but is free for
         pursuit  based  on  observations  and  validations
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