Page 34 - PULSE- JULY -2020
P. 34

Rashmi Mishra, PhD
                                                                 Scientist E-I
                                                                 Mechanobiology Laboratory

          Explaining  my work  on the role of  lipid  rafts in mechano-sensitive neuronal polarity at Centre for
          Developmental Biology (CDB), RIKEN, Japan at the ‘Turning Neuron into The Nervous System’ Symposium
          held in 2008

          Rafting through Mechanical Forces                    my 2  years  of senior  schooling  at  the  Mother’s
                                                               International School, a part of the Sri Aurobindo
          My academic background, life  philosophy  and        Ashram at New Delhi that had a strong influence
          motivation                                           on my  belief  system  and in  formulating the  art
                                                               of living.  The  long morning hours of trained
          I  was  born to  a Physicist  father  and  a  humble   meditation, mantra chanting and recitals  of  the
          homemaker mother. I grew up in New Delhi and         principles  of the  Bhagavad Gita  nurtured the
          went to Carmel Convent  School.  However, it  is     cosmic consciousness  and  ignited  my curiosity
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