Ethnic Food Culture – Value Addition & Promotion

Food is an epitome of culture, emotion, hospitality, and prestige; and is closely knitted with tradition. Food is often used as a means of retaining the cultural identity of tribal communities. Ethnic foods are nutrient rich and they have a long history of supporting health and wellness. Each community has their own system of preparation and preservation.

Art & Craft

Tribal people are god-gifted with their art and craft skills.Each group has its own festivals, legends, customs, taboos, rituals, superstitions, institutions, dances, songs, music and past reminiscences of their particular clan that have left an indelible impact on the artistic impulses of the group.

Traditional Crop Varieties / Indigenous Livestock Breeds

After a sudden demand for high-yielding varieties/breeds of crops/livestock, the indigenous ones started getting neglected from the mainstream and are now in the verge of extension. It is, therefore, pertinent to capture, conserve and protect the traditional varietal diversity.

Ethno Veterinary Medicines

Ethno veterinary practice (EVP) is a traditional veterinary health care practice which includes knowledge, skill, practice and beliefs about animal health care. The indigenous knowledge of the veterinary health care system acquired by traditional healers is usually maintained as oral lore in their community.

NTFP Value Addition

Promoting household and Local Health Traditions (animal and human), Traditional crop varieties and Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) are livelihood options available for native people. The stake holders of community owned enterprises should be the collectors and cultivators of natural resources.


The project "Inclusive Technology Interventions for Tribal Heritage Resilience of Kerala" support by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India under the program "Science & Heritage Research Initiatives (SHRI)" is mainly focusing the protection of Tribal heritage through Science and Technology interventions. We believe that, promotion of the community oriented traditional knowledge based practice is an important way to sustainable development.


The project "Inclusive Technology Interventions for Tribal Heritage Resilience of Kerala" is implementing in Tribal areas of Idukki and Wayanad Districts. We are documenting the traditional knowledge of tribal communities, especially human and animal healthcare practices, traditional art and craft, crop varieties and agriculture practices. We do scientific validation of selected formulations and transfer the refined knowledge back to the community as products. We are also offering the value addition of NTFPs and traditional crop varieties. We do establishment of demonstration units for training and capacity building of the tribal communities for sustainable value addition of local bioresources.

Karutha Ponnu Black Pepper Nursery

A nursery for traditional black pepper varieties "Karutha Ponnu Black Pepper Nursery" has been established at Pattayakudi, Venmony, Idukki

Field Gene Bank of Traditional Paddy Varieties

As part of the conservation of traditional paddy varieties, we are implementing the concept of field gene bank by promoting the cultivation of traditional varieties in Wayanad.