Central Instrumentation Microinjection Facility

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The process of microinjection entails introducing proteins, mRNA, or DNA into the cytoplasm or nucleus of individual cells using a pipette of a micrometer diameter. It's an accurate technique that can be utilized to regulate the quantity, composition, and precise localization of the injected material. The microinjection facility at Jagathy campus of RGCB would involve the injection of nucleic acids into mammalian cells and mammalian embryos along with injection of mouse/rat embryonic stem cells into the embryos.


OLYMPUS IX-73 INVERTED MICROSCOPE- for Phase contrast ,Fluorescence and Micromanipulation System Eppendorf TransferMan® 4th generation micromanipulator CellTram® 4r Air, pneumatic, manual Included microinjector FemtoJet 4i, programmable Included microinjector with integrated compressor InjectMan® 4, micromanipulator with Included dynamic movement control


RGCB Jagathy campus, 1st floor.

Central Instrumentation Microinjection facility Technical Committee:

Dr. Jackson James, Chairperson, Scientist G
Dr. Harikumar K B, Member, Scientist E II
Mr. Rajasekharan K Kurup, Member, Deputy General Manager, Technical Services
Dr. Archana S, Member, Manager, Veterinary services
Mr. Kannan T R, Member, Laboratory Technician
Dr. Debasree Dutta, Member Secretary, Scientist EII


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753
info@rgcb.res.in webmaster@rgcb.res.in