Animal Research Facility

About Strains Available Institute ARF Management Committee Room-Booking Team

The primary function of Animal Research Facility (ARF) is to assist investigators in their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane and ethical principles. This is achieved by development and maintenance of a comprehensive, high quality animal care program, complies with all guidelines and laws concerning with experiments on animals.

The Animal Research Facility contains animal space distributed over 9 rooms which include breeding rooms, experimental rooms, procedure rooms and transgenic rooms. All immunedeficient, transgenic, and other valuable lines of mice are housed in the transgenic rooms, using Individually Ventilated Caging (IVC) system. We have two dedicated rooms for this purpose and each room has got its own IVC system and animal changing station. Entries to these rooms are restricted and an air shower is used to blow off excess dust particles from personnel entering to this area. Dedicated lab coats and protective wearing such as face masks, caps and gloves are provided to all animal users before entering into animal and procedure rooms. Biometric Access System is installed to restrict the unnecessary traffic inside the animal research facility and 4 surveillance cameras are fixed at various locations to monitor the activities inside Animal Research Facility.

Laboratory animals are very sensitive to their living conditions, so it's important that they are housed in proper conditions. The building, cages and environment of animal rooms are major factor which affect the quality of animals. We have got separate rooms for each species of animals which are maintained at controlled heat and humidity. Bedding material is used after autoclaving and removed periodically to maintain the micro environment within the cages. Cages are washed and autoclaved regularly to ensure the cleanliness and health of animals. Apart from these all animal rooms are cleaned daily to maintain the overall hygiene. A 14:10 hour light-dark cycle is maintained with automatic timers for better breeding performance. Apart from this, the facility has got a dedicated washing area, feed and cage storage rooms, autoclave room and changing rooms. Two corridor systems with clean and dirty corridors are maintained in the facility. Procedure room is equipped with class II level Biosafety cabinet, Isoflurane inhalant anesthesia machine, Small animal ventilator, Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring apparatus, ECG machine etc.

Institute has constituted an Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) to approve and monitor animal experiments which help to ensure that the existing CPCSEA rules and regulations are strictly followed at every point of animal experiments. Request for animals, procedures on animals and protocols are discussed and approved by IAEC after considering the ethical issues and ensuring the welfare of animals.

We also maintain a local intranet facility for ARF activities where users can login and indent animals, check the animal usage and can submit new proposals and request to IAEC. Click here to access ARF Local Intranet

For further help & support contact us at

 +91 - 471 - 2529573 (Veterinarian)


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 25, 2025
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