Meritorious Student Awards

RGCB being a premier biotechnology institute in the country aims to make its PhD program outstanding. We would strive to make PhD students well groomed to meet the challenges offered by the cutting edge technology and highly competitive modern biotechnological research. To foster true scientific spirit in our students and to make them uncompromisingly productive on par with international standards, RGCB will give its PhD students, a challenging platform to showcase their research talents.

Dr. M.R Das Research Excellence award for PhD students

This award will be given for the best overall performance in the PhD programme, every year, in terms of quality of publications, points gathered based on the presentations in National and International symposia, and patents generated. The award includes a gold medal, a citation and a cash award of Rs. 25,000

Merit award of the year

This will be a competitive award granted to the best research work presented on RGCB foundation day (November 18th every year). The award will be a citation and cash award of Rs.20, 000/- based on the evaluation of the oral presentations done by senior PhD students (from third year onwards) by a committee of external experts.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 25, 2025
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