
Students can become a part of the Science Club, BODHI that organizes a number of lectures and discussions pertaining to different realms of science. BODHI was founded a couple of years back and has been successfully creating a platform for truly scientific discussions. The National Science Day is celebrated with fervor by RGCBians. The various extra-curricular activities such as the Onam, Holi, Diwali, Christmas and New Year Celebrations bring the student community together on more casual grounds.

'SKY GREEN' Organic Vegetable Farm

'Sky Green' is RGCB's modest 'green solution' to the looming pesticide prevalence in our daily greens and its dire consequences on our health. The concept of organic farming is the reflection of the proactive efforts taken by RGCB to supplement nutritious edibles for its staff. This concept is most relevant especially in the context of RGCB, which strives for excellence in science, a vision that undoubtedly relies on healthy minds in healthy bodies. Though a very arduous and challenging task, 'Sky Green' was initiated in 2013 with this dream in mind. Our first organic vegetable garden is spread on the terrace of the main building, surrounded by the striking view of lush greenery. The green extravaganza of 'sky green' includes amaranth, brinjal, tomatoes, ladies' finger, bottle gourd, radish, coriander and chillies. Then, to add to the grandeur, there is the occasional tinge of yellow, orange and red capsicums.
Apart from the garlic-neem cocktail, cow's urine, Azolla, a solution of seed cakes in water and cow dung are what keep the plants healthy. More than an year after its inception, RGCB 'sky green' has successfully produced and supplied 'greener' and healthier vegetables. The results are quite promising, compelling us to strive further for an ultimate 'ever green' campus.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: February 13, 2025
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