Committments and Core values

Biotechnology will soon influence our lives in a number of ways including the way food is produced and processed, human illness is treated and the way fuel is produced. Biotechnology is therefore truly a "transformative technology" comparable to some of history's greatest events of creation including the invention of writing, the steam engine and electricity. Transformative technologies will always throw up challenges in governance and will need innovative thinking to frame questions and go about finding practical solutions. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is a now a national treasure. From health biotechnology to genetic engineering of spices to nano-platforms for disease diagnosis, this institute will soon be base to some of India's best research. The institute is proud of the work its scientists do, striving to making knowledge economy stronger and our lives healthier by making advances that only a generation ago would have seemed almost impossible.


  • Passion for Excellence.
  • Critical analysis and sound judgment in the quest for knowledge.
  • Creativity, resourcefulness, perseverance, patience, prudence and hard-work in discharge of one's function and responsibility.
  • Self-discipline, loyalty, obedience, professionalism and work ethics.
  • Integrity that upholds the principles of honesty, sincerity, and trust.
  • Respect for colleagues and genuine concern for others.
  • Transformation of the individual through academic excellence and novel learning experience.
  • Providing a high level of dedication and support to our fraternity.
  • Organizational excellence through continuous learning, innovative planning, communication and adaptability.
  • Leadership through teamwork.


  • Competitiveness through Continuous Improvement
    We believe that quality improvement is a responsibility of everyone in the organization.
  • Translation of theory into practice
    We are committed to applying our discovery and findings to improving human health and sustained increase in spice productivity.
  • Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
    We will continuously monitor existing programs, have well planned entry & exit policies for projects, will ever remain responsive to needs and demands of our stake holders, our students, the business community, the state and central governments.
  • Globalized academic outlook
    We will have global academic perspectives, constantly looking for opportunities to expand our alliances globally, providing critical opportunities for students and faculty.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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