Vision & Mandates

Our planning for the development of RGCB comprises a set specific Strategic Goals. Through inclusive strategic planning processes, RGCB has identified these Themes and Strategic Goals as priority areas for the field. The Themes are a more general description of the areas within the field of disease biology that RGCB recognizes as important domains for targeted efforts involved in the institute's mandate, mission and vision. These Themes will allow the development of Strategic Goals, which are the specific target areas identified as priorities by RGCB. As implementation of the Strategic Plan goes forward, these Goals will be the actual areas of focus, activities, and resources. Some of these priority Strategic Goals will represent current strengths of RGCB while for others, the Institute will identify new directions for the field that will answer novel questions and require state of the art capabilities.

Strategic Goal 1: Fundamental Research

Understanding the biology that defines basic mechanisms involved in the disease process and its implications for human health

"Fundamental research" investigates the basic biological processes of how our bodies function and of the pathways and systems that are susceptible to the effects disease. This research addresses all levels of biological organization including molecular, biochemical pathway, cellular, tissue, organ, model organism, human, and population -- and builds on the knowledge from new tools and techniques that allow us to ask more in-depth questions about the effects on and response to disease in biological systems.

Strategic Goal 2: Technology Development

Turning research into technology innovation and on to business

The links between innovation, productivity, health and wealth are recognised by many countries and the need to encourage innovation is also apparent. Investing in and encouraging innovation is a priority for many jurisdictions as is the affordability, quality and sustainability of healthcare systems. Technology development theme will in addition to doing innovative research for technology development, identify present, new and unfulfilled research and technological needs; conduct peer reviews and program reviews of relevant programs for government agencies and industrial organizations and identify emerging and future technical areas including evolving multidisciplinary areas, where RGCB could be a major player

Strategic Goal 3: Translational Science

Trans-disciplinary health science to inform individual, clinical, and public health decision making to improve health

Research that moves a basic science observation into a public health or medical application is often termed "Translational Science". Translational Science is Theme 3, in recognition of the fact that our research priorities must include this kind of applied, outcome-oriented research for us to ensure that the full benefit of all of our research investments can be realized as part of public health, medical, regulatory, and individual practice. The Translational Science Theme embraces broad, interdisciplinary approaches: molecule to cell to model organism to human to society and back again, as informed by public health imperatives.

Strategic Goal 4: Training and Education

Developing and retaining a sustainable pipeline of biotechnology professionals across a range of related disciplines including fundamental science, technology development, translation, policy and outreach through efforts in education, training, and career development.

RGCB will facilitate development of a cadre of top-notch, innovative, and dedicated environmental health scientists and professionals. Within the scientific enterprise, researchers who are open to trans-disciplinary approaches need to be developed, recruited, and trained from across a wide range of disciplines in order to meet the RGCB mission of addressing the increasingly complex problems in disease biology. Examples include not only traditional basic biological, medical, and population sciences such as toxicology and epidemiology, but also translational sciences, data and information sciences, veterinary medicine, chemistry, engineering, biostatistics, health economics, bioethics, risk communication, behavioral sciences, and others. In tandem with the development of the scientific cadre, RGCB must also seek to develop a base of professionals who can translate the scientific knowledge into policy, education, communications, and outreach to meet the needs of RGCB stakeholders including the public at large.

Strategic Goal 5: Communications, IPR and Engagement

Advancing translation and dissemination of scientific knowledge on the role of disease and human health; pursuing appropriate and effective means of engagement of the broad range of institute stakeholders and the public in health research and public health promotion.

A part of the mandated purpose of RGCB is the dissemination of research findings, knowledge, and information on health science. Because the Mission and Vision of RGCB comprise the prevention of illness and improvement of public health, this mandate is interpreted broadly to encompass a range of communication activities. To succeed in these activities, RGCB must develop, refine, and implement an innovative and comprehensive communication and engagement strategy that draws on the latest in best practices, standards, and technologies established by professional communications practitioners and researchers. Communication and engagement activities provide information that can be understood and applied by the range of RGCB stakeholders, including decision makers at all levels, from individuals to government to global organizations. A good communication strategy for RGCB is multi-directional for two-way engagement with our stakeholders, and deployed both internally and with external partners to develop a broad constituency for environmental health sciences. IPR development will be through an Office of Technology Ventures, which will encourage innovation, enhance research, and facilitate economic development through the transfer of intellectual property. In its primary area of responsibility, this office will provide in-house technology protection and commercialization services to transfer IP created on the RGCB campus into practical use to benefit the public as quickly and effectively as possible.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 25, 2025
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