Meritorious Student Awards

These guidelines come into effect from August 01, 2020


  1. The M. R. Das Research Excellence Award is given for excellent performance by a PhD student in RGCB's PhD Program. It carries a cash award of Rupees 25,000, a gold medal and a citation.
  2. A duly constituted three-member jury will adjudicate all parameters and award marks out of total of 100. The division of marks is explained below.
  3. An applicant scoring over 75% will become eligible for the award.
  4. There is no restriction on number of awards in a year.
  5. Applicants are to submit their applications duly forwarded by the mentor to the Office of Academic Affairs within 45 days after submission of the PhD thesis to the University.
  6. The application format can be downloaded from the RGCB Website.
  7. The decision of the jury will be final and no further appeal will be entertained.


  1. Time Limit: The PhD thesis must have been submitted within 5 years from date of joining the RGCB PhD program (date of registration with University is not considered).
  2. Scores at PhD Course Exam: (Total of 10 marks) for having obtained a minimum of 75% or equivalent grade.
  3. Peer-reviewed publications: (Total of 80 marks)
    The following conditions will apply to all applicants The following conditions will apply to all applicants
    1. Publications in predatory journals will not be considered.
    2. A minimum of two publications published in a top rated journal in the research domain.
    3. Publication should be of direct relevance to the PhD work and where the applicant is the first/joint first author.
    4. The jury can consider a single outstanding publication where applicant is first/joint first author in lieu of the standard two publications. (*See guidelines below).
    5. The jury will judge the quality of the journal and its international standing in the research domain.
    6. Two granted Indian patents or one granted International patent as listed inventormay be considered by the jury as equivalent to the conditions stated in (ii) and (iii) and (iv). The applicant must provide a detailed description of their exact role in the patent application. The Jury will judge relevance of the patent and its significance.
  4. Competitive International Fellowships: (Total of 10 marks) granted by national or international agencies for short term training in international research laboratories during the course of PhD work

*Acceptance of a single publication for consideration by the Jury for M.R. Das Award.

  1. Published in a journal listed as among the top 20 in the research domain.
  2. The publication reported a major scientific advance or technological innovation that had a significant impact in advancing a field of knowledge.
  3. The first author has provided a major intellectual contribution to the publication, deserving an individual recognition
  4. Pushes the field forward - it is work at big scale and/or it has big data and/or big ideas and/or deals with big problems. It is ambitious.
  5. Is explicit about the significance and the nature of the contribution (empirical, theoretical, challenging long held assumptions etc.)
  6. The result contributes to or has contributed to, the achievement of RGCB's significant goals or objectives.
  7. Opened new scientific, technical or programmatic opportunities for RGCB.
  8. Developed or used new tools, methods, or processes that enhanced technical or scientific capabilities and technical innovation.
  9. Supported accelerated infusion of technology in biotechnology or disease biology or enabled breakthrough capabilities.
  10. Contributed to or enabled technology transfer to a translational program or industry partner.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 28, 2025
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