Temporary Position Available

No.RGCB/1044/Admin/ADVT/SO/2023   25.05.2023

Applications are invited for a Temporary position of Senior Manager (Security) at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, to be filled on Contract Basis. The engagement will be for a period of two years only. The particulars of the position are appended.

Maximum Age as on 15.06.2023 63 Years
Essential Qualifications Graduation
Essential Work Experience/Description

Retired Commissioned Officer/Short Service Commissioned Officer or Officer with outstanding work experience in Police / Special Police Establishments, Officers who retired as Superintendent of Police or above, may apply for the position of Senior Manager (Security).
The nature of duties to be performed at RGCB will include matters pertaining to Security & Surveillance at RGCB, across all its campuses. The Security Officer will also need to liaise with Administrative Divisions of RGCB to oversee administrative compliances with reference to various Acts/Rules at RGCB. Such Acts/Rules, inter-alia includes the Office Manual of the Institute, CCS Rules/FR SR, Purchase Procedures, Store Accounting Systems etc. The supervision of security personnel at all the Campuses/Offices of RGCB will also be the responsibility of Senior Manager (Security).
The candidate will also have to be capable of managing fire safety systems, security surveillance camera systems etc. and shall work as the first level of supervisor with reference to all security aspects of the Institute at its various campuses/offices. The candidate will also require to liaison with the local police & other authorities to sort out security matters of all RGCB Campuses/Units.

Procedure to apply for the position

  1. The candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria with respect to age, educational qualifications, and experience etc. Relaxations to the prescribed upper age may be considered and authorized by the Competent Authority at RGCB in respect of deserving candidates, in consideration of the candidate's past meritorious services. Self-attested copies of all supporting documents are to be enclosed with the application form itself. Furnishing of false/incorrect information and/or certificates/documents will be considered sufficient ground to consider the candidature as canceled, and suitable action will be initiated against such candidate(s). The application, complete in all respects, shall reach the Chief Controller, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Poojappura, Thycaud PO, Thiruvananthapuram- 695014 on or before 15.06.2023.

  2. RGCB will in no case be responsible for non-receipt of any application that any candidate might claim to have sent or any unforeseen delay in receipt thereof on any account, whatsoever. The application received after the prescribed last date will not be entertained under any circumstances and all such applications will be summarily rejected. Candidates should, therefore, ensure that their application reaches RGCB on or before the prescribed date. Candidates can also deliver their applications personally at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology's Campus, situated at Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695014, if he/she so desires. Candidates are requested to superscribe the words Application for the position of Senior Manager (Security) at RGCB on the top of envelope while submitting their applications. Canvasing in any form will disqualify the candidate in the selection procedure. Candidates shortlisted, based on possession of essential qualifications and experience etc. will be called for a selection interview at RGCB. Should there be more than 15 number of such shortlisted candidates, further shortlisting procedures, considering the candidate's track records etc. will be followed. The criteria thus adopted will be published in the RGCB website, if applicable.

  3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the selection procedure.

  4. Decision of the duly constituted selection committee will be final, and no further correspondence or enquiries will be entertained. The decision of the Director, RGCB, will be final and binding on all the parties. No further correspondence/claims or whatsoever representations will thus be entertained.

  5. Sd/-


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753
info@rgcb.res.in webmaster@rgcb.res.in

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Last Updated on: March 25, 2025
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