Sheena Philip, PhD (2019)

Thesis Title: Molecular mechanistic investigation and validation of the Anti-inflammatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers - in vitro and in vivo

Praseeja R J, PhD (2024)

Thesis Title: Screening of anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity of Cuscuta reflexa and its chemo sensitizing effect.

Greeshma Tom, PhD (2019)

Thesis Title: Molecular mechanistic evaluation of the Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity of Glycopentalone from Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz) Correa and its optimization using Nano-enabled drug delivery systems.

Krishnakumar K . A, PhD (2018)

Thesis Title: Bioactivity guided fractionation and Characterization of Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis L for Anti-Liver fibrotic effects

Krishna Radhika N, PhD (2017)

Thesis Title: Prospecting of Cheilanthes farinose (Forsk) Kaulf for its anti-angiogenic and Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activities.

Sreejith. P. S, PhD (2014)

Thesis Title: Isolation and Characterization of Anti-hepatocelluar carcinoma compound from Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz)correa.

Suresh V, PhD (2012)

Thesis Title: Bioprospecting of selected medicinal plants for hepatoprotective and antiviral molecules and construction of a screening system for high throughput anti-HBV drug screening.

Sheeba M S , PhD (2008)

Thesis Title: Studies on the pharmacological and toxicological properties of Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.extracts/active fraction keeping in view with standardized phytomedicine development.

Wills P J, PhD (2006)

Thesis Title: Hepatoprotective action of Lygodium flexuosam L. Sw.: From traditional medicine to molecular Biology.

As a Co-guide

V Gayathri, PhD (2007)

Thesis Title: Studies on Pharmacological properties of Selaginella sp . vis -a - vis Phytomedicine development and molecular characterization of most promising species.


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