This six month certificate program is a platform for highly motivated students to explore bioinformatics through practical experience. It provides a solid base to the use of bioinformatics by providing theory and hands-on training in methods and resources appropriate to all major fields of biological research. This Program provides best strategies for undertaking bioinformatics analysis, computer programming, statistical analysis, data management and reproducibility. All participants will have close and correct mentoring by RGCB faculty. Special invited lectures will be arranged by distinguished scientists and academicians.
This interactive RNA-Seq data analysis workshop provides practical training in vital bioinformatic techniques for deriving insights from transcriptomic sequencing data, tailored specifically for beginners with limited computational experience. By the end, participants will become familiar with essential skills like data quality control, read alignment, quantification, differential expression analysis, and visualization to unlock findings from RNA-Seq experiments.
Join our captivating online webinar designed for curious minds eager to delve into the world of protein research and molecular modeling. Discover the art of homology medeling and
gain the skills to craft intricate 3D molecular structures with ease.
Explore how proteins interact with drugs and ligands, unraveling the mysteries of malecular interactions. Learn to analyze protein structures and create stunning, publication quality molecular images that captivate your audience.
Introduction to Next
Genration Sequencing
What is NGS?
Brief overview of applications of NGS
Important and Commonly
Used Softwares /Tools In
Introduction to aligners (BWA, bowtie,
tophat, STAR etc) Different formats
How to use galaxy?
Hands on Session
Basic exercises related to quality check
of raw data & adapter trimming with in
depth discussion on various parameters of quality check.
This interactive RNA-Seq data analysis workshop provides practical
training in vital bioinformatic techniques for deriving insights from
transcriptomic sequencing data, tailored specifically for beginners
with limited computational experience. By the end, participants will
become familiar with essential skills like data quality control, read
alignment, quantification, differential expression analysis, and
visualization to unlock findings from RNA-Seq experiments.
Skill Learn:
Overview of analysis goals and workflows
Data Preprocessing and Quality Controls
Hands-on use of alignment tools
Quantifying gene and Normalization strategies
Differential expression Analysis and Visualization
Enrichment analysis of Pathways
This course for those interested learning more about the application of structural information in their work and how to model protein structures using homology modeling approach, visual investigation of 3D molecular structures of proteins, and their interaction with each other, with ligands, substrates, and drugs. Paricipants will learn how to create publication quality molecular images. No previous experience in the filed of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required. But it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Homology Modeling | |
10:00 AM | Protein Structure Visualization | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Analysis of biochemical proteins of protein structure and its interactions with ligands | |
12: 30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Hands-on Training | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
NGS data analysis is a multidisciplinary approach that requires expertise
in bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics, and molecular biology.
This course will provide basics of NGS data analysis
09:30 AM | Opening remarks | |
09:40 AM | Introduction to Next General Sequencing (NGS) | |
10:30 AM | ||
11:00 AM | Important and commonly used softwares/tools in NGS analysis | |
01:00 PM | ||
02:00 PM | Hands-on Training | |
03:30 PM | ||
This course is for those interested in learning more about the application of structural information in their work and how to model protein structures using homology modeling approach, visual investigation of 3D molecular structures of proteins and their interaction with ligands, substrates, and drugs.Participants will learn how to analyze protein structures and create publication-quality molecular images.No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required,but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
10:00 am | ||
11:00 am | ||
12:30 pm | ||
12:00 | PRACTICE | |
01:30 | ||
This course is for those interested in learning the theoretical background and a
hands-on approach to Molecular Docking.No previous experience in the field of
structural bioinformatics is required,but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an
9:30 am | Concepts of Molecular Docking | |
10:00 am | Identification and Evaluation of Binding pocket/Active Site | |
11:00 am | ||
11:30 am | Scoring Functions to Rank Candidate Molecule | |
12:30 am | ||
12:30 am | Hands-on Training | |
01:30 am | ||
1:30 pm | Interactive Session | |
02:00 pm | ||
What is Python? Advantages & disadvantages of learning Python.
Introduction to Python strings, numbers, list, dictionary, tuple and set Basic Loops in Python (while, for, if-else, try-except, use of break, pass & continue statements) Basic Python Functions. List Comprehension. Basic exercises related to protein/ DNA/RNA sequences to demonstrate the power of Python
9:30 am | Introduction to RGCB | |
9:40 am | Introduction to Python | |
11:00 am | Python Basics | |
2:00 pm | Hands on Session | |
This course is designed for students interested in learning the
fundamentals of molecular dynamics simulations and gaining
practical experience with GROMACS software package. No prior
expertise in structural bioinformatics is necessary, however a
fundamental understanding of protein structure is advantageous.
Experience with a command-line environment like UNIX is not
essential, although it is helpful for inputting the MD simualtions
09:30 am | Basics of MD Simulations | |
10:00 am | ||
10:00 am | Key Concepts of Molecular Interactions | |
11:00 am | ||
11:30 am | Hands on Training | |
12:30 pm | ||
12:30 pm | MD Analysis | |
01:30 pm | ||
What is Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)?
What is Metagenomics?
16S Metagenomics
Whole genome shotgun metagenomics
What is Microbiome?
Metagenomic insights of human gut microbiome
Important softwares and tools for metagenome and microbiome analysis
Basic introduction to QIIME for microbiome analysis
Installation of QIME
Hand on session for small data sets for
metagenome/microbiome analysis
using MG-RAST and/or QIIME
09.30 am | Introduction to RGCB | |
09.40 am | Introduction to Metagenomics? | |
10.45 am | ||
11.00 am | Introduction to Microbiome/ Metagenome Analysis | |
01.30 pm | ||
02.30 pm | Hands-on Training | |
03.30 pm | ||
This workshop is intended for those
who want to learn about using
structural information in protein
research and modeling protein
structures using homology modeling.
Participants will be able to visualize 3D molecular structures of proteins and
how they interact with other molecules
such as drugs and ligands. The
workshop will also teach how to
analyze protein structures and create
publication-quality molecular images.
No prior knowledge of structural
bioinformatics is needed, but a basic
understanding of protein structure is
Brief overview of applications of NGS. Introduction to aligners (BWA. bowtie.tophat. STAR etc) Different formats (FASTO. SAM/BAM. GTF/GFF etc)
How to use galaxy? Basic exercises related to quality check of raw data & adapter trimming with in depth discussion on various parameters of quality check.
09.30 am | Introduction to RGCB | |
09.40 am | Introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) | |
11.00 am | ||
11.10 am | Important and commonly used softwares/tools in NGS analysis | |
01.00 pm | ||
02.00 pm | Hands-on Training | |
03.30 pm | ||
This course is for those interested in learning more about the application of structural information in their
work and how to model protein structures using homology modeling approach,visualinvestigation of 3D
molecular structures of proteins and their interaction with ligands,substrates,anddrugs.Participants will
learn how to analyze protein structures and createpublication - quality molecular images.No previous
experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required,but a basic knowledge of protein structure
is an advantage.Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required,but it helps to
type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
09.30 am | Homology modeling | |
11.00 am | ||
11:30 am | Protein structure visualization | |
01:00 pm | ||
1:30 pm | Hands-on Training | |
3:30 pm | ||
3:30 pm | Interactivesession | |
4:00 pm | ||
This course will introduce the theory behind different phylogenetic tree reconstruction approaches and Hands on sessions using MEGA software. The target audience is students and researchers with no experience in Bioinformatics. Knowledge of computer programming is not required to attend this course.
Basics of Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Approaches
9:30 am | Lecture: Basics of Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Approaches | |
10:30 am | Demo: Different Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Methods & Quality Assessment using MEGA | |
12:00 PM | Hands-on: Maximum Likelihood Phylogeny Reconstruction Using an Example Dataset (RAXML & MEGA) | |
1:30 pm | Interactive session: Open Questions & Discussion | |
2:00 pm | ||
(1) What is R?
Download & installtion
Why to learn R
(2) R basics
R operators (Arithmetic,
relational, logical, assignment)
R objects (vector, list, matrix,
array, factor, data frame),
Class, read and write data,
simple plots
(3) Hands On Session
Basic exercises to read/write
data and/or make plots
9:30 am | Introduction to RGCB | |
9:40 am | What is R? | |
10:30 am | ||
10:50 am | R basics | |
1:30 pm | ||
2:30 pm | Hands On Session | |
3:30 pm | ||
This course is for those interested in learning more about the application of structural information in their work and how to model protein structures using homology modeling approach, visual investigation of 3D molecular structures of proteins, and their interaction with each other, with ligands, substrates, and drugs. Participants will learn how to create publication-quality molecular images. No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
9:30 am | Homology modeling | |
10:00 am | Protein structure vizualisation | |
11:00 am | ||
11:30 am | Analysis of biochemical properties of protein structure and its interactions with ligands | |
12:30 pm | ||
1:30 pm | Hands-on Training | |
2:00 pm | ||
This course is designed for students interested in learning the fundamentals of molecular dynamics simulations and gaining practical experience with the GROMACS software package. No prior expertise in structural bioinformatics is necessary, however, a fundamental understanding of protein structure is advantageous. Experience with a command-line environment like UNIX is not essential, although it is helpful for inputting the MD simulations instructions.
09:30 AM | Basics of MD simulations | |
10:00 AM | Key concepts of molecular interactions | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Hands-on training | |
12:30 AM | ||
12:30 PM | MD analysis | |
1:30 PM | ||
This introductory workshop is intended for candidates with a biological background but without any previous programming experience. This workshop introduces the basic concepts of programming with hands-on sessions to practice writing simple python scripts.
09:40 AM | Introduction to Python | |
10:40 AM | ||
11:00 PM | Python Basics | |
01:00 PM | ||
02:00 PM | Hands on Session | |
03:00 PM | ||
This course is for people who want to study the theoretical foundations of Molecular Docking as well as a hands-on approach. Although no prior expertise with structural bioinformatics is necessary, a basic understanding of protein structure is advantageous. It is not necessary to have prior experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment, but it will aid in typing the instructions into the modelling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Concepts of Molecular Docking | |
10:30 AM | ||
10:30 AM | Identification and evaluation of Binding Pocket / Active site | |
11:30 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Scoring Functions to rank candidate molecules | |
12:30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Hands-on training | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
This course is for those interested in learning more about the application of structural information in their work and how to model protein structures using homology modeling approach, visual investigation of 3D molecular structures of proteins and their interaction with ligands, substrates, and drugs. Participants will learn how to analyze protein structures and create publication-quality molecular images. No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
9:30 AM | Homology Modeling | |
10:00 AM | ||
10:00 AM | Protein Structure Visualization | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Analysis of biochemical properties of protein structure and its interactions with ligands | |
12:30 PM | ||
2:00 PM | Hands-on training | |
3:30 PM | ||
3:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
4:00 PM | ||
This one day training is for those who are interested in learning the basics of structural bioinformatics. The workshop will focus on homology modeling approaches, visual investigation of 3D molecular structures of proteins, and their interaction with each other, with ligands, substrates, and drugs. Participants will learn how to create publication-quality molecular images. No previous experience in the field structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Homology Modeling | |
10:00 AM | ||
10:00 AM | Protein Structure Visualization | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Analysis of biochemical broperties of brotein structure and its interactions with ligands | |
12:30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Hands-on training | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
This introductory workshop is intended for candidates with a biological background but without any previous programming experience. This workshop introduces the basic concepts of programming with hands-on sessions to practice writing simple python scripts.
9:30 AM | Introduction to RGCB | |
9:40 AM | Introduction to Python | |
10:40 AM | ||
11:00 AM | Python variables | |
1:00 PM | ||
2:00 PM | Hands on session | |
3:30 PM | ||
This course is for those interested in learning the basics of molecular dynamics simulations and a hands-on approach to the capabilities of GROMACS and free energy calculations. No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Basics of MD simulations | |
10:30 AM | Key concepts of molecular interactions | |
12:00 PM | Binding free energy calculations | |
01:00 PM | Hands-on training | |
Two-days cloud-based hands-on workshop targeting structure-based
drug designing. Participants will get practical experience and in-person guidance
in using the Maestro GUI, covering the organic molecule sketching, protein
selection, preparation, and screening for hit identification of molecules against
therapeutic targets. The workshop will also include a brief recap of background
theory for Molecular mechanics, Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics via
case studies on the real-time industrial projects.
![]() |
The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. This workshop will walk you through how to use Jupyter Notebooks to learn python and how to set it up on your local machine. Also we will be working on some of the python libraries to better understand the data exploration and visualization. No prior programming experience is required but if you know the basics of programming the more you can explore.
09:30 AM | Introduction to Jupyter Notebook | |
10:30 AM | ||
10:30 AM | Introduction to Python Libraries | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:00 AM | Exploring with data | |
12:30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Data Visualization | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
This course will introduce the theory behind different phylogenetic tree reconstruction approaches and Hands on sessions using MEGA software. The target audience is students and researchers with no experience in Bioinformatics. Knowledge of computer programming is not required to attend this course.
09:30 AM | Lecture: Basics of Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Approaches | |
10:30 AM | Demo: Different Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Methods & Quality Assessment using MEGA | |
12:00 PM | Hands-on: Maximum Likelihood Phylogeny Reconstruction Using an Example Dataset (RAxML & MEGA) | |
01:30 PM | Interactive session: Open Questions & Discussion | |
02:00 PM | ||
This workshop is for those who are interested in learning the basics of R package. This workshop discusses the compelling reasons to learn R for biologists. Introduction to CRAN, how should we install R packages and how to troubleshoot the common problems related to dependencies & installation. Hands on session to make simple plots using R.
09:30 AM | Why & who should learn R? | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:10 AM | Installation and troubleshooting | |
01:10 PM | ||
02:00 PM | Hands-on making simple plots using R | |
03:00 PM | ||
03:00 PM | Hands-on training | |
03:30 PM | ||
This course is for those interested in learning the theoretical background and a hands-on approach to Molecular Docking. No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage. Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands into the modeling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Concepts of Molecular Docking | |
10:30 AM | ||
10:30 AM | Identification and evaluation of Binding Pocket / Active site | |
11:30 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Scoring Functions to rank candidate molecules | |
12:30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Hands-on training | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
This one day training is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python and R to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
09:30 AM | Basic UNIX commands | |
11:00 AM | ||
11:10 AM | Introduction to Python, Perl and R | |
01:10 AM | ||
2:00 PM | Hands-on training | |
03:00 PM | ||
This one day training is for those who are interested in learning the basics of structural bioinformatics. The workshop will focus on homology modeling approaches, visual investigation of 3D
molecular structures of proteins, and their interaction with each other, with ligands, substrates, and drugs.
Participants will learn how to create publication-quality molecular images. No previous experience in the field
of structural bioinformatics is required, but a basic knowledge of protein structure is an advantage.
Experience with a UNIX-like command-line environment is not required, but it helps to type the commands
into the modeling concepts and biology.
09:30 AM | Homology Modeling | |
10:30 AM | ||
10:30 AM | Interactive Session | |
11:30 AM | ||
11:30 AM | Analysis of biochemical broperties of brotein structure and its interactions with ligands | |
12:30 PM | ||
12:30 PM | Hands-on training | |
01:30 PM | ||
01:30 PM | Interactive Session | |
02:00 PM | ||
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Center
This workshop has been designed for students, researchers in early stage of their career as well as senior researchers/faculties with little or no programming experience.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
This course is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python, MySQL and various other open-source bioinformatics tools to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The current workshop span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
This course is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python, MySQL and various other open-source bioinformatics tools to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
This course is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python, MySQL and various other open-source bioinformatics tools to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The current workshop span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools.
Jointly Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University
The five-day workshop provided a strong foundation in proteogenomic analysis, integrating data from LC-MS/MS and NGS technologies. This workshop, presented an exciting agenda, with interactive lectures and case-studies, combined with hands-on sessions, to explore the challenges of cancer proteogenomics, and presents, new innovative ways to tackle them. The first part of the workshop covered the general principles of available genomics, proteomics, statistical data analysis and machine learning. The latter part of the workshop applied these principles and algorithms to the analysis of breast cancer data. Hands on exercises accompanied lectures throughout, and illustrate practical application to real-world data. The workshop included discussions and open exchange of ideas to foster scientific collaboration and promote adoption of methods in participants' home institutions.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
This course is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python, MySQL and various other open-source bioinformatics tools to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The current workshop will span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
Over the past few years, NextGen Sequencing technology has been established to explore the genome and transcriptome architecture of cells. The goal of NGS-16 is to bring together bioinformatics researchers and biologist facing new challenges with the high-throughput technology platforms.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
This course is a consolidation of courses covering three major programmatic technologies used in bioinformatics. It teaches entry level bioinformaticians, and biologists how to leverage the Linux shell, Perl, Python, MySQL and various other open-source bioinformatics tools to perform computations in biological research and create information from data. Examples in this course use data from DNA and amino acid sequences, microarray profiles , and biological annotations.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The current workshop will span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The two-day training course organized by RGCB will include classroom presentations and extensive hands-on practical sessions with complete data. The course is designed to introduce Bioinformatics tools and pipeline available for the analysis of NextGen Sequencing transcriptome data to researchers and students who have a basic understanding of Bioinformatics. The hands-on exercises will be performed with Linux command-line.
Organized by Computational Biology Group, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Bio Innovation Centre
The current workshop will span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools.
Jointly organized by Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology (RGCB) and European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Identification and assembly of signal transduction pathways in a system are fundamental to biology as they serve as inevitable gateway to systems biology. A large number of visually complex pathway models available today are developed by assembling individual molecular reactions in multiple contexts of the experimentation, model systems and ligand-receptor specificity. Hence a thorough understanding of how they are made and assembled across these multiple contexts is important for real-time evaluation of those models and their use for analysis of high-throughput proteomics and transcriptomics data.
The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), jointly with the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) USA, organized a National Workshop on "Microarray data analysis using R/Bioconductor" as part of a cancer informatics workshop series funded by the Department of Biotechnology.
Cancer research has rapidly evolved with the advent of high throughput technologies, such as microarrays and deep sequencing. Over the past few years, microarrays have become an established technology in molecular biology to explore global gene expression. The aim of this workshop is to familiarize participants with advanced microarray technology and its data analysis in the context of cancer informatics and provide hands-on training on latest bioinformatics approaches.
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
| 2347975 | 2348753
Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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This website belongs to Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. ©2025 All Right Reserved by RGCB