Academic Positions

  • Scientist E1

    Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

  • Assistant Professor [Tenure Track]

    Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus DK-8000, Denmark.

  • Group Leader,

    Uni Klinikum, Würzburg and University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

  • Post-Doctoral researcher

    University of Würzburg / Uni Klinikum Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany


  • PhD Infection Biology 2012

    Graduate school of Life sciences, University of Würzburg/ Uni-Klinikum Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

  • Master of Science 2007

    Indian council of Agriculture science, Kerala Agriculture University

  • Bachelor of Science 2004

    Indian council of Agriculture science, University of Agriculture Science, Bangalore


  • 2022
    Ben Barres Spotlight Award
  • 2021
    SERB-POWER Fellowship
  • 2020
    Anna og Dagny Hjerrilds Fond
  • 2020
    Selected as the paper of the month by DGHM (Deutsch Gesellschaft fü r Hygiene and Mikrobiologie).
  • 2019
    San-ping Wan award for the best oral presentation from the Chlamydial Basic Research Society (CBRS), Seattle, USA
  • 2019
    Pris Wyrick travel award from the Chlamydial Basic Research Society (CBRS), Seattle, USA.
  • 2018
    Selected as the paper of the month by DGHM (Deutsch Gesellschaft für Hygiene and Mikrobiologie).
  • 2015-17
    Funding for Juniors scientist from the state of Bavaria 'Qualification of Junior scientist programme for professorship' (45,000 Euro- 360,000 DKK). Germany.
  • 2012-15
    Postdoctoral fellowship from the IZKF (interdisciplinary Zentrum für Klinische Forshung), Germany.
  • 2007-12
    Ph. D fellowship from the Graduate School of Lifesciences funded by the Excellent initiative of German federal and state government (DFG).
  • 2006
    Indira Gandhi Post graduate Scholarship, Government of India
  • 2004-06
    All India Scholarship from the Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR) for Masters in Agriculture Biotechnology.
  • 2004-06
    KAU award for Masters from the Kerala Agriculture University.
  • 2000-04
    All India Scholarship from the Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR) for Bachelors in Agriculture.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: July 26, 2024
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