Pre-clinical evaluation of the mechanistic and immunological pharmacodynamics of a novel saponin, Uttroside B (Utt-B), against Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Vini Ravindran, PhD
Women Scientist ( DBT-BioCARe)
ER-alpha signaling in Breast Cancer
Arun V
PhD Student
Obesity driven pancreatic cancer.
PhD Student
Mechanistic and immunological evaluation and pre-clinical validation of Uttroside B as a chemotherapeutic drug against hepatocellular carcinoma.
V Sneha Suresh Babu
PhD Student
Anna T Varghese
PhD Student
Shirley James
Senior Research Fellow
Phytochemicals for cancer chemoprevention.
Aparna J. S
Project Assistant
Pre-clinical evaluation of new drug molecules in gastrointestinal cancers.
Anjana S.S
Research Fellow
Laboratory management assistance.
Parvathy G
Project Associate-I (SERB)
Epigenetic regulation in pancreatic cancer.
Nashat Akhtar
Project Research Scientist-1 (Non-Medical ICMR)
Sphingolipid signaling in pancreatic cancer.
Athira S R
Project associate-I (SERB)
Role of ceramidases in the modulation of tumor microenvironment and host anti-tumor response in colorectal cancer.
Rajeev Thampi
Project Assistant
Laboratory management assistance.
Prameela Kumari T.K
Lab Assistant
Laboratory management assistance.
Krishnendhu .B
Project Assistant
Laboratory management assistance.
Savitha Biju
Project Assistant
Laboratory management assistance.
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), Thycaud Post,
Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India +91-471-2529400
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