DBT-SAHAJ National Facility for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics, Metabolomics and Lipidomics Platforms

About Proteomics Metabolomics / Lipidomics Analytical Services & Charges Services for Overseas Clients Team Contact

Analytical Services available for Targeted Metabolomics / Lipidomics

The DBT-SAHAJ National Facility at RGCB is in the process of establishing a large number of targeted panels for quantitation of selected groups of metabolites and lipids using mass spectrometry. These targeted panels provide accurate absolute quantitation of a focused group of analytes using available standards.

Targeted metabolomics or lipidomics is a quantitative approach in which a known set of metabolites is quantitated using 13C, 2H or 15N isotope-labeled internal or external reference compounds. The resulting data can then be used as input variables for statistical analysis.

The goal of the facility is to establish a panel of more than 300 lipid molecules/species, which comes under 25 major lipid classes as shown in Table-1.

Table-1. Panels of lipid classes being established for Targeted Lipidomics

S.N Lipid Classes S.N Lipid Classes
1 GM3 ganglioside (GM) 14 Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
2 Sphingomyelin (SM) 15 Cholesterol ester (CE)
3 Phosphatidylcholine (PC) 16 Free cholesterol (COH)
4 Alkyl phosphatidylcholine [PC(O)] 17 DG
5 Phosphatidylcholine plasmalogen [PC(P)] 18 TG
6 Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) 19 Carnitines
7 Lysoalkylphosphatidylcholine [LPC(O)] 20 Fatty acids
8 Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) 21 Dihydroceramide (dhCer)
9 Alkyl phosphatidylethanolamine [PE(O)] 22 Ceramide (Cer)
10 Phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen [PE(P)] 23 Monohexosylceramide (MHC)
11 Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) 24 Dihexosylceramide (DHC)
12 Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 25 Trihexosylceramide (THC)
13 Phosphatidylserine (PS)

At present our panels include 36 lipid molecules, which come under 13 lipid classes and 2 metabolites of one carbon metabolism. The list of the available panel is given in the table-2 and Table-3 below. These panels are being established in our facility to meet the research needs of investigators on a case-by-case basis.

Investigators who are interested in measuring metabolites or lipids not listed below should contact the facility in-charge to discuss the possibilities for establishing a method.

Table – 2. Established Lipid Panels Available for Targeted Lipidomics

S. No. Lipid Class Molecule / Species Precursor (m/z) Product (m/z) Internal standard  (20 pMol)
1 Ceramide C14:0 510.6 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
2 C16:0 538.7 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
3 C18:0 566.7 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
4 C18:1 564.7 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
5 C22:0 622.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
6 C24:0 650.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
7 C24:1 648.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
8 C25:0 664.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
9 C26:0 658.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
10 C26:1 642.9 264.249 C12:0 Ceramide
11 Dihydro-ceramide C16:0 540.7 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide
12 C18:0 568.7 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide
13 C24:1 650.9 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide
14 C24:0 652.9 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide
15 Ceramide-1-Phosphate C16:0 618.7 264.4 C12:0 Ceramide-1-Phosphate
16 C24:0 730.9 264.4 C12:0 Ceramide-1-Phosphate
17 Dihydroceramide-1-Phosphate C12:0 564.6 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide-1-Phosphate
18 C24:0 732.9 266.4 C12:0 Ceramide-1-Phosphate
19 Lactosyl Ceramide C16:0 862.7 264.4 C12:0 Lactosyl(β) Ceramide
20 C24:0 974.9 264.4 C12:0 Lactosyl(β) Ceramide
21 Glucosyl Ceramide C16:0 700.7 264.249 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
22 C18:0 728.7 264.249 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
23 C24:1 810.9 264.249 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
24 Dihydroglucosyl ceramide C12:0 646.6 266.6 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
25 C16:0 702.7 266.6 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
26 C18:0 730.7 266.6 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
27 C24:0 814.9 266.6 C12:0 Glucosyl(β) Ceramide
28 Sphingomyelin C18:0 731.8 184.4 C12:0 Sphingomyelin
29 C24:0 815.9 184.4 C12:0 Sphingomyelin
30 Dihydrosphingomyelin C12:0 649.7 184.4 C12:0 Sphingomyelin
31 C18:0 733.8 184.4 C12:0 Sphingomyelin
32 C24:0 817.9 184.4 C12:0 Sphingomyelin
33 Sphingosine C18:1 300.4 264.4 C17 Sphingosine
34 Sphinganine C18:0 302.4 266.4 C17 Sphinganine
35 Sphingosine-1 Phosphate C18:1 380.4 264.4 C17 Sphingosine-1 Phosphate
36 Sphinganine-1-Phosphate C18:0 382.4 266.4 C17 Sphinganine-1-Phosphate

Table – 3. Established Metabolite Panels Available for Targeted Metabolomics

  Metabolite Precursor (m/z) Product (m/z) Internal standard
1 Methylmalonic acid (MMA) 117.1 73.125 MMA-D
117.1 55.071 MMA-D
2 Homocysteine (Hcy) 136.043 55.883 Hcy-D
136.043 89.883 Hcy-D


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753
info@rgcb.res.in webmaster@rgcb.res.in

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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