Bio-imaging Facility

About Service Charges Team Contact

Service Charges

SL No: Analysis description Clients from Academic Institutions Clients from the Industry or Overseas Users
1 1. Flow Cytometer Sorter ( FACSAria) Becton Dickinson
2. Beckman Coulter Astrios EQ High Speed Cell Sorter
1000 per hour for analysis

2000 per hour for sorting
2000 per hour for analysis

4000 per hour for sorting
2 1. Laser Scanning Microscope (Nikon A1R)
2. Laser Scanning Microscope (Olympus FV 3000)
3. Multiphoton Confocal Imaging system: Nikon A1R MP
4. High Content Imaging System: Imagexpress Confocal HT.AI, Molecular device
2500/- hr (First Hour)

1000/per hr (subsequent hours)
5000/- hr (First Hour)

2000/per hr (subsequent hours)
3 Structured Illumination SR microscope Nikon( Nikon SIM) 2500/- hr (First Hour)

1000/per hr (subsequent hours)
5000/- hr (First Hour)

2000/per hr (subsequent hours)
4 Laser Scanning Microscope with WLL (SP8 Leica)
2500/- hr (First Hour)

1000/per hr ( subsequent hours)
5000/- hr (First Hour)

2000/per hr ( subsequent hours)
5 Optical Imaging using Xenogen IVIS SPECTRUM 5000 / hr*(including Anesthesia reagents, animal handling and analysis) .

2500/hr for subsequent hours
10000 / hr*(including Anesthesia reagents and analysis )

5000/ hr for subsequent hours
6 Motorized Upright Fluorescence Microscopes with Metaphases finder Karyotyping: Metaphase karyotyping 1000/- hr (First Hour)

500 per/ hr (subsequent hours)

excluding GST
1500/- hr (First Hour)

750/per hr (subsequent hour)

excluding GST
7 Motorized Upright Fluorescence Microscopes with Metaphases finder Karyotyping: FISH technique 1500/- hr (First Hour)

500/per hr (subsequent hours)

excluding GST
2000/- hr (First Hour)

1000/per hr (subsequent hours)

excluding GST


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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