SL.No. Occasion Date Day of the week
1 Republic Day January 26 Wednesday
2 Maha Shivarathri March 01 Tuesday
3 Mahavir Jayanthi April 14 Thursday
4 Good Friday April 15 Friday
5 *Idu'l Fitr (Ramzan) May 02 Monday
6 Buddha Purnima May 16 Monday
7 * Idu'l Zuha (Bakrid) July 09 Saturday
8 * Muharram August 08 Monday
9 Independence Day August 15 Monday
10 Janmashtami August 19 Friday
11 Onam September 08 Thursday
12 Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday October 02 Sunday
13 Dussehra (Maha Navami) October 05 Wednesday
14 *Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad
(Birthday of Prophet Mohammed)
October 08 Saturday
15 Diwali (Deepavali) October 24 Monday
16 Guru Nanak's Birthday November 08 Tuesday
17 Christmas Day December 25 Sunday

*If the State Government changes any of these holidays, the changed date only be observed as a Closed Holiday for RGCB. But if the State Government sanctions any additional holiday(s) in connection with the above occasions, the date(s) of such additional holiday(s) will be observed as Restricted Holiday(s) only. If the change of date of any of the above occasions is notified at very short notice, announcement through TV/ AIR/ Newspaper can be taken as authority for such change.


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Last Updated on: March 11, 2025
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