Comprehensive Central Library

Instructions for Students / Research Fellows / Post Doctoral Fellows / Summer Trainees / Scientific community/RGCB Staff

General Guidelines for using Library Facilities

  1. Always carry the Identity card and must be produced whenever asked for.
  2. While entering the library, users should leave their personal belongings such as bags, personal books etc. at the Racks for keeping users belongings. Papers may however be carried into the library. Library staff will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users.
  3. Being a place for study and research, strict silence should be observed in the Library.
  4. Use of Mobile Phones, consumption of food and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the Library.
  5. No documents shall be removed from the Library until a loan has been appropriately transacted.
  6. Maintain the arrangements of journals, books, chairs & computer tables.
  7. Circulation of books will be open from 09.00 AM to 5.30 PM only on all working days.
  8. Suggestions for procurement of new books to the Library should be forwarded though concerned authority to the Librarian. Prescribed Book requisition form can be collected from the Library.
  9. Use of the user PC kept inside the library is allowed for accessing library catalogue, e-journals, e-books and academic databases (Academic/Research purpose) only.
  10. Users should obey the Library Rules and Regulations. Violation of rules and any act of misbehavior to the Library staff will lead to strong disciplinary action.

Guidelines for Issue/Return of books

  1. Documents can be issued only on production of Institute Identity Card.
  2. Books may be renewed only once, by the expiry of the due date, provided there is no reservation for the same.
  3. Books will not be issued for those who are having overdue items.
  4. The Librarian reserves the right to recall items issued at any time, even before the due date.
  5. Books which are already issued should not be brought to the Library except for return/renewal.
  6. Borrowed books are non-transferable and a borrower shall remain responsible for material issued to him/her until it is returned.
  7. Return of books are mandatory before the due date mentioned in the due date slip attached to the book.
  8. Books are issued normally for a period of 14 days. It can be renewed for a further period of 14 days only. Books returned after the due date will be charged an overdue charge of Rs. 1.00/- per day.
  9. Renewal is not automatic. For renewing, it is necessary that the book to be presented at the counter.
  10. Books / Journals will not be issued to Summer Trainee Students / Guests.
  11. Return the borrowed books before going on leave / outstation.
  12. Reference books/ Periodicals/ Journals /Magazines / Manuals / Guides/ Thesis / Dissertations / Atlases / CDs / Current Protocols/ Dictionaries will not be issued nor can they be taken out of the library. These books should be read in the library only.
  13. RGCB library follows an open access system, Books and other material taken from the library stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers.
  14. Users of the library should not deface, mark, mutilate or damage the reading material in any way. Persons doing so are liable to be fined heavily, apart from being asked to pay the cost of the damage. In case a person repeats the offence the second time, his/her library cards will be impounded and the membership shall be terminated summarily.
  15. Newly added books will be displayed for reference for one week, users may reserve such books.
  16. All items need to be returned to the Library, for Physical Verification once in a year irrespective of the date of issue and category of users. Date of Physical verification will be announced 2 weeks in advance.

Instructions / Rules for Digital Library Users

  1. Don’t  use e-Messenger / Chat. (Strictly prohibited).
  2. Don’t check personal e-mails during office hours.
  3. Don’t leave any papers / journals / books on the reading table.
  4. Don’t bring your personal bags / books / USB/ CD’s in the library.
  5. Don’t install any software without permission of the person in-charge
  6. Don’t save files on the computer desktop.
  7. Don’t play any games, music, sound.
  8. Maintain silence in the library.
  9. Don’t switch OFF the computer when machine is running some applications. Ensure that you always properly shutdown the machine.
  10. Password is very-very case sensitive & Highly confidential. Don’t share with any one. don’t copy it on computer desktop
  11. RGCB subscribes approx. 1099 online journals through DeLCON Consortium and these are having IP-enabled full-text at RGCB Campus.  Summer Trainee Students  can use the above 1099 online journals through browsing the following  site : (
  12. Summer Trainee Students / Guests may request to the Librarian / Office-In charge Library for any required articles / papers.
  13. In case of any problem at the library, please consult to Librarian or Officer In-charge of the Library.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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