Institute's comprehensive infrastructure includes 7 Servers, more than 300 Desktops and Laptops, Network Printers etc. and houses of one of the best computing network with constant upgradation in a bid to provide the students and staff with state-of-the art facilities. The Institute has been connected through to National Knowledge Network which provides 1Gbps leased line with multiple redundant backups.
The highly distributed computing environment at RGCB uses sophisticated computer simulation to solve problems for Staff and Research Scholars. It is managed and actively supported by the experienced engineers in the IT Department. IT department is also responsible for maintaining and administrating RGCB Website and Mail Servers. IT Department provides technical support to Staff and students within the Institute on LINUX, WINDOWS platforms and also provide software development for research groups.
Internet facilities are provided throughout the campus through 1 Gbps and 100 Mbps leased lines from NKN and BSNL respectively. RGCB has invested in a high-speed Fibre Optic Backbone with high-end security for networking across the campus. Wireless connectivity is provided at strategic locations to provide Internet access to the faculty.
Radhakrishnan R, PhD
Scientist F & IT Head (Faculty)
Rajasekharan K
Deputy General Manager
Mr. Durga Prasad
Senior Manager (Technical Services)
Mr. Anand Mohan
Manager (Computer and Information Systems)
Ms. Lekshmi R
Manager (Technical Services)
Amal V
Techical Assistant Gp.I Gr.II