Research Programs


Understanding the role of Notch and Wnt signaling in neocortical and cerebellar development


Functional characterization of homeobox gene Tlx3 (Hox11L2) in cerebellar development and its link to Autistic spectral disorders (ASD)


Development of a cell therapy strategy to treat glaucoma using retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) generated from embryonic stem (ES) cells/ Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) derived mesenchymal stem cells

Current Research Grants

  • 2025 2022

    Functional relevance of a unique subclass of Notch independent Hes-1 (NIHes-1) expressing neural stem cells in developing/adult cortex
    Science and Engineering Research Board [DST-SERB]

Previous/ Completed Research Grants

    1. Development of a low-cost Anosmia screening tool to mass screen asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers
      Science and Engineering Research Board [DST-SERB] 2020-2021

    2. Regulation of stemness by Pleiotropic Hes-1 expression in neuroblastoma
      National Bioscience Career Award, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India 2018-2021

    3. Expression of Notch independent Hes-1 (NIHes-1) specifically in ES derived organoids representing developing neocortex: Understanding its functional significance.
      Department of Biotechnology [DBT] 2018-2020

    4. Guiding retinal ganglion cell axons to brain visual centers: Is Pax6 the key molecule?
      Department of Science & Technology [DST] 2017-2020

    5. Transcriptional regulation of Tlx3 by Pax6 and its role on excitatory neural fate specification in vitro and in vivo.
      Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment [KSCSTE] 2014-2016

    6. Characterization of Notch independent Hes-1 mediated maintenance and fate specification of neural progenitors.
      Department of Biotechnology [DBT] 2013-2016

    7. Transcriptional regulation of Tlx3 (Hox11L2) by Notch signaling and its involvement in excitatory vs. inhibitory fate specification of neural progenitors.
      Department of Science & Technology [DST] 2013-2016

    8. Differentiation of UCB stem cells into lineage specific cell types for therapeutic applications.
      Department of Biotechnology [DBT] 2008-2011

    9. Isolation and characterization of human embryonic stem (ES) cell line.
      Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment [KSCSTE] 2007-2009

    10. Development of a cell therapy strategy to treat glaucoma using retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) generated from embryonic stem (ES) cells.
      Department of Biotechnology [DBT] 2006-2009

    11. Transplantation of embryonic stem (ES) cells engineered to produce GABA into hippocampus of rats with temporal lobe epilepsy for possible control of seizures.
      Department of Science & Technology [DST] 2004-2008


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: January 22, 2025
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